At Cornerstone, we practice a congregational-ruled and elder-led form of organization.
Our elder team is comprised of elders, each of whom serve a one-year term and are affirmed by the congregation each year, as well as our pastors. Our elders are responsible for gathering regularly to pray for the needs of and vision for our church family. They are also responsible for the preaching and teaching of the Word.
We also charge specific deacons with authority over specific ministries. Each deacon is assigned a specific elder to support, pray for, hold accountable and generally walk alongside him or her.
Qualifications for elders and deacons can be found in our bylaws.
Our elder team is comprised of elders, each of whom serve a one-year term and are affirmed by the congregation each year, as well as our pastors. Our elders are responsible for gathering regularly to pray for the needs of and vision for our church family. They are also responsible for the preaching and teaching of the Word.
We also charge specific deacons with authority over specific ministries. Each deacon is assigned a specific elder to support, pray for, hold accountable and generally walk alongside him or her.
Qualifications for elders and deacons can be found in our bylaws.