Cornerstone LifeGroup's 30 Week Discipleship Study called BELIEVE
On this page you will find the LifeGroup questions for your small group, family, or individual use. This is an integral part of our 30-week discipleship journey. Over the course of this journey, we will be moving from having head knowledge to heart action.
This is the essence of disciple-making; “…teaching to obey” all that Jesus commanded.
The first 10 lessons will focus on doctrine so that we will think like Jesus. They answer the question, “What do I believe?” With each topic we will address three areas:
- KEY QUESTION: What life question does this belief answer?
- KEY IDEA: What is the unifying concept of this belief that most Christians embrace?
- KEY APPLICATION: What difference does this make to the way I live?
Week 1 - God
Week 2 - Personal God
Week 3 - Salvation
Week 4 - Bible
Week 5 - Identity in Christ
Week 6 - Church
Week 7 - Humanity
Week 8 - Compassion
Week 9 - Stewardship
Week 10 - Eternity
These beliefs will drive the outcome of who we become…if these beliefs reside in our hearts. Otherwise they just remain in our head and will not produce transformation. So we then move to 10 practices, or spiritual disciplines, of the Christian life. Together they answer the question, “What should I do?”
- KEY QUESTION: What life question does this practice answer?
- KEY IDEA: What are the essentials of engaging in this spiritual practice?
- KEY APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I live?
Week 11 - Worship
Week 12 - Prayer
Week 13 - Bible Study
Week 14 - Single-Mindedness
Week 15 - Total Surrender
Week 16 - Biblical Community
Week 17 - Spiritual Gifts
Week 18 - Offering My Time
Week 19 - Giving My Resources
Week 20 - Sharing My Faith
Thinking like Jesus moves us to acting like Jesus with the goal of being like Jesus. The final 10 weeks will focus on key virtues that will be manifest in Jesus’ disciples. They answer the question, “Who am I becoming?”
- KEY QUESTION: What life question does this practice answer?
- KEY IDEA: What are the essentials of engaging in this virtue?
- KEY APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I live?
Week 21 - Love
Week 22 - Joy
Week 23 - Peace
Week 24 - Self-Control
Week 25 - Hope
Week 26 - Patience
Week 27 - Kindness/Goodness
Week 28 - Faithfulness
Week 29 - Gentleness
Week 30 - Humility
Let’s get started…