Cornerstone’s 30 Weeks of Experiencing Life Groups
WEEK 11: Worship
Cornerstone LifeGroup
Week of January 8, 2017
Open in prayer. Begin your discussion by reading the Key Verses a few times and then try and get the group to recite it from memory. Do the same with the Key Idea.
Key Verses: Psalm 95:1-2: “1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”
Key Question: How do I honor God in the way he deserves?
Key Idea: I worship God for who He is and what He has done for me.
ICE BREAKER: Ask the following questions out loud and discuss.
Growing up, were you ever told not to associate with certain people?
Was there a certain section in the town you grew up that you knew you were not to enter? Why was that? What might have happened to you is you went there?
STUDY: Have someone read the following verses out loud. John 4:9-24
Read: John 4:1-9
Ask: Why do you think Jesus went through Samaria instead of the traditional route that avoided the area? Since “nice girls” don’t go to the well at noon, why do you think Jesus risked His reputation to ask a favor of this woman?
Read: John 4:10-20
Ask: How did Jesus turn the table on her in verse 10? Did the woman understand what Jesus was saying? How is she like Nicodemus? Why did Jesus change the topic to her personal life so abruptly?
Read: John 4:21-26
Ask: What does Jesus mean when He says that God is interested in those who worship Him in “spirit and in truth”? What is significant about Jesus choosing this person to be the first one He revealed Himself to (see also vss 39-42)?
APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I live?
Ask: What social, racial, or religious barriers are difficult for you to break through?
How would Jesus relate to these people you find difficult?
Ask: What does worshipping God in spirit and in truth look like in your life?
What would you like to change in the way you worship the Creator God?
Ask: How are you worshipping God in your small group? In your home?
Close in prayer and pray for your group throughout the week!
Week of January 8, 2017
Open in prayer. Begin your discussion by reading the Key Verses a few times and then try and get the group to recite it from memory. Do the same with the Key Idea.
Key Verses: Psalm 95:1-2: “1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”
Key Question: How do I honor God in the way he deserves?
Key Idea: I worship God for who He is and what He has done for me.
ICE BREAKER: Ask the following questions out loud and discuss.
Growing up, were you ever told not to associate with certain people?
Was there a certain section in the town you grew up that you knew you were not to enter? Why was that? What might have happened to you is you went there?
STUDY: Have someone read the following verses out loud. John 4:9-24
Read: John 4:1-9
Ask: Why do you think Jesus went through Samaria instead of the traditional route that avoided the area? Since “nice girls” don’t go to the well at noon, why do you think Jesus risked His reputation to ask a favor of this woman?
Read: John 4:10-20
Ask: How did Jesus turn the table on her in verse 10? Did the woman understand what Jesus was saying? How is she like Nicodemus? Why did Jesus change the topic to her personal life so abruptly?
Read: John 4:21-26
Ask: What does Jesus mean when He says that God is interested in those who worship Him in “spirit and in truth”? What is significant about Jesus choosing this person to be the first one He revealed Himself to (see also vss 39-42)?
APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I live?
Ask: What social, racial, or religious barriers are difficult for you to break through?
How would Jesus relate to these people you find difficult?
Ask: What does worshipping God in spirit and in truth look like in your life?
What would you like to change in the way you worship the Creator God?
Ask: How are you worshipping God in your small group? In your home?
Close in prayer and pray for your group throughout the week!